" I am the Deputy Leader of the only political party that embeds sustainability in the heart of every policy decision "

Amelia Womack
Amelia Womack
Cardiff, UK
What was your ‘eureka’ moment for getting into sustainability?
There wasn’t a single moment, but a chain of events. Having grown up with a love of David Attenborough and his shows, I always had an interest in nature and wildlife. As I got older, the realisation of human impacts on our planet were clear. Whether it was the oil spills of the 90s, the increasing number of endangered species, the clearance of woodland to make way for roads, or the landfill sites around my hometown - I knew something had to change. I went on to study a BSc in Environmental Biology and an MSc in Environmental Technology, and my belief in the need for serious change inspired me to join the Green Party, and join a movement that worked for a better future for people and planet.
What have you been doing on sustainability since?
I am the Deputy Leader of the only political party that embeds sustainability in the heart of every policy decision. Only by campaigning, winning elections, and putting other parties on the back foot do we have a chance of really starting the transition to a sustainable society. There are lots of ways to promote that, I've chosen the party political route, enabling me to campaign for changes in environmental law, promote renewables and ensure that we influence sustainable practices from local recycling schemes to international climate agreements.
What’s your vision for reaching a sustainable future?
The biggest obstacle is the pursuit of profit for the sake of profit by businesses with little regard for environmental and social justice in their products and their decision making. This is why I fully support a law of ecocide, which could immediately halt environmental destruction. With climate chaos in our immediate future, and habitats vanishing before us, we need radical yet rational policies to secure this planet for future generations.